Clerk of Courts

Serving in 8th term as Clerk of Courts First elected in 1987
Assistant Court Administrator of Beaver County: December 31, 1983 to March 15, 1987 (Resigned position at that time to seek elected position as Clerk of Courts)
Chief Deputy Clerk of Courts - July 1, 1976 to December 30, 1983
Deputy Clerk of Courts - February 5, 1973 to June 30, 1976
Secretary to Executive Director of the Beaver County Senior Activity Center - August 20, 1970 to February 4, 1973
1988 to Present - Member Pennsylvania State Association of Prothonotaries and Clerks of Courts
1989 to 1999 - Member of Executive Board of Pennsylvania State Association of Prothonotaries and Clerks of Courts - (having served as member of Executive Board, Second Vice President and President) Continues to serve on various committees of the association.
1997 - 1998 President of Pennsylvania State Association of Prothonotaries and Clerks of Courts
July 1988 to July, 2004 - Served as Legislative Chairperson for ten (10) Western Pennsylvania counties
Criminal Manual Chairperson - Responsible for creating criminal procedural Instructions for Clerk of Courts throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Member of International Association of Clerks, Recorders, Election Officials and Treasurers since 1989
Served as Vice Chair of Beaver County Democrat Committee - 1988 - 2018
Member of Beaver County Federation of Democratic Women - 25 years Offices held: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer Currently Vice President
1990 to 2005 - Member of South Beaver Township Recreation Board and had served as President and Treasurer
Founding President of Little Beaver Lioness Club Offices held: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer
Received Outstanding President award from Little Beaver Lioness Club
1993 and 1994 - Appointed by Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts to serve on two sub-committees for the statewide automation of all Clerks of Court Offices throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Served as advocate for the One To One Citizen Advocacy Program
1987 - Received plaque and Named as one of the "Outstanding Young Women In America"
1988 - Received plaque (second year in row) and Named as one of the "Outstanding Young Women In America"
Received "Outstanding Treasurer" Award from Little Beaver Lioness Club
Received "Outstanding President" Award from Little Beaver Lioness Club
1997 - Presented with Plaque as Athena Award Nominee "For Representing The Finest In Professional Excellence, Community Service And Active, Continuous Support To Women." - presented by Beaver Valley Business & Professional Women's Club
1998 Received Woman of Distinction Award for "Community Service" presented by Beaver-Castle Girl Scouts
2000 - Chairwoman of the Ceremony Committee for Beaver County's Bicentennial Celebration.
April 1999 to 2003 - Elected to sit on the Board of Directors for the Beaver-Castle Girl Scout Council
September 2000 - 2004 - Served as Chairperson of the Beaver County Records Improvement Committee. Elected as Chairperson and served as Chair until September 2004, when she chose to step down as Chairperson, however, accepted appointment as Secretary for the Committee.
2005 - 2006 - Appointed to Advisory Board of Beaver County Humane Society
Instrumental in creating, and currently serves, on the Beaver County Criminal Operations Committee.
Sworn in as Second Vice President of the PA State Association of Prothonotaries & Clerks of Court - 2017
Sworn in as First Vice President of the PA State Association of Prothonotaries & Clerks of Court - 2018
2006 to present - Serves on the Communication Committee for the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts