Sheriff's Office Staff
The Beaver County Sheriff’s Office is comprised of 24 full-time and 23 part-time Deputies. The authority on decision making is shared by these Deputies in capacities ranging from Sergeants, Lieutenants, a Captain, a Chief Deputy and ultimately, the Sheriff.
Sheriff’s Office
- Sheriff Tony Guy
- Sheriff's Sales
- License to Carry Application
- Staff
- Attorney General
- Pennsylvania Homeland Security
- Pennsylvania Sheriff’s Association
- Deputy Sheriff’s Association
- Application Form *PLEASE NOTE* when sending in your application please save the file as your first and last name before sending in your application to
- PT Deputy Sheriff Positions - $21.96/hour
Tony Guy, Sheriff
(724) 770-4600
Paul Radatovich, Chief Deputy
(724) 770-4606
Jay P. Alstadt, Captain
(724) 770-4617
Tom Plunkard, Lieutenant
(724) 770-4604
Civil Division
Kathie Ellison, Civil Process
(724) 770-4613
Gun Permits
(724) 770-4614
Ashley Alstadt, Office Manager
(724) 770-4612
Brittany D'Amico, Civil Process
(724) 770-4611
Civil Division
(724) 770-4609 / 4610
Civil Division Fax: 724-728-2412
Criminal Division
Main Desk, Operations
(724) 770-4602
(724) 728-5080 - Fax
Sergeant's Office
(724) 770-4608 / 4619
Inside Night Line
(724) 773-8549
RBC - Jail
John Kutzko, Sergeant
(724) 512-2391
Main Desk
Warrants Division
Main Desk, Operations
(724) 512-2393
(724) 512-2394
Julie Soety, Clerk
(724) 512-2395