DUI School
General Information
You have been charged with violating the law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania prohibiting persons from driving, operating or otherwise being in actual physical control of any vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or any controlled substance.
As a result, Title 75 of Pa. Vehicle Code, Section 3816 (a) states, “...every person convicted of a violation of section 3802... and every person offered Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition... shall, prior to sentencing or receiving ARD..., be evaluated using CRN instruments...and Title 75, Section 3804 (a)(1)(iii)(2)(iii) and (b)(1)(iii)(2)(iii) and (c)(1)(iii)(2)(iii) states, “...an individual who violates Section 3802(a) ...shall be sentenced as follows...attend an alcohol highway safety school approved by the department.
In addition, the Pennsylvania Legislature has created an alternative to trial or guilty plea for those who have been charged with Driving Under the Influence (DUI). The alternative, the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition Program, is commonly referred to as “ARD.”
ARD is a privilege and not a right, and can be given to you only with the consent of the District Attorney and the sentencing judge. Although ARD is technically not a conviction, it will be counted as a conviction first offense should you again be charged with DUI.
You Were Arrested For A DUI
The Alcohol Highway Safety School provides mandated Court Reporting Network (CRN) evaluations and state approved Highway Safety Courses. The Program also provides an Underage Drinking Program for the underage alcohol offenders.
It is your responsibility to complete the following requirements:
- On the day of your Preliminary Hearing, you are required to have a CRN Evaluation.
- There is a fee of $105.00 for the CRN Evaluation. It is mandatory to pay this fee in full at the Clerk of Courts Office before the CRN is taken.
- If the CRN recommendation is treatment, a drug and alcohol assessment must be completed. It will be given by a treatment specialist and completed immediately after the CRN evaluation.
Allow Adequate Time
So that these requirements can be completed, please make arrangements to spend most of the day at the Courthouse.
A CRN Evaluation will be completed immediately after the Preliminary Hearing. Again, make plans to spend adequate time at the Courthouse until this requirement is completed.
CRN (Court Reporting Network Evaluation)
A one-hour evaluation administered after the Preliminary Hearing at the Beaver County Alcohol Highway Safety School (AHSS) at the Beaver County Courthouse, Beaver, PA.
Phone: 724-770-4644 | 724-770-4625
Hours: Monday through Friday
8:00am to 4:30pm
DUI Classes
DUI Classes will be scheduled with the Beaver County AHSS secretary upon completion of the CRN evaluation. The DUI School classes are located at the Adult Probation & Parole Department, located on the ground floor of the Beaver County Courthouse and the Community College of Beaver County, located in Center Twp., Beaver County
All DUI Program Costs
CRN Evaluations and DUI School are the responsibility of the client and are due at the time of service. Payment will be made at the Clerk of Courts Office.
ALL DUI CLIENTS are ordered to:
- CRN evaluation prior to sentencing:
- First Time Offense & Multiple Offenses: $105.00
- All first and second time offenders must complete DUI School:
- First Time Offender: $300.00
- Multiple Offenders: $325.00
- CRN evaluation prior to sentencing:
DUI / ARD School
Any person, who is placed on ARD, enters a plea or is found guilty of a violation of Act 24. The client is required to enroll in and successfully complete an approved Alcohol Highway Safety Program (DUI School): 12.5 Class Hours.
Class Schedule:
Community College of Beaver County
Days: Tuesday/Thursday: 6 pm to 9:15 pm
Saturday: 9 am to 3:15 pm
Adult Probation Office
Days: Wednesday: 9 am to 3:15 pm
Phone: 724-770-4644 | 724-770-4625
The conditional freedom granted to an alleged or adjudged adult or juvenile offender, as long as the person meets certain conditions of behavior.
Ignition Interlock Program
Is required following a suspension for second time offenders who acquire the restricted II license and have cars titled to them. Installation and monitoring information will be provided by PennDot (Phone: 1-800-932-4600).
Ignition Interlock is a device that is installed on vehicles to prohibit individuals under the influence of alcohol from operating the vehicle. If the device detects alcohol, the car will not start. Also, at times while driving, the driver will be prompted to blow into the device to ensure they are not under the influence.
Adult Probation
- Beaver County Probation & Parole ARD Rules
- Beaver County Probation & Parole Rules
- Beaver County Probation & Parole Rules for Sex Offenders
Beaver County Alcohol Highway Safety School
Beaver County Courthouse
810 Third Street
Beaver, PA 15009
724-770-4644 | 724-770-4625
Ian Thomson
Director of the Adult Probation & Parole Department
Christopher Kwidis
Coordinator of the Alcohol Highway Safety Program, Beaver County
Admire Carter
Beaver: M,T,W,Th,F