EMA (Emergency Management)
Pennsylvania’s Emergency Management Services Code (Title 35) directs and authorizes every political subdivision (i.e. county, city, borough, and townships) to have an emergency management program that includes a trained Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC), an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP), and a functioning Emergency Operations Center (EOC) with a trained staff.
The Beaver County Emergency Management Coordinator is Eric Brewer, operating out of a state of the art EOC at the Emergency Services Center in Ambridge, PA. The EOC is activated in times of disaster and staffed by trained, mostly volunteer personnel, from all over Beaver County representing various disciplines.
Additionally, each municipality has its own Emergency Management Agency: Municipal Emergency Management Coordinators
For additional information regarding Emergency Planning or Training in Beaver County, contact Kevin Whipple at kwhipple@beavercountypa.gov or Douglas Humble at dhumble@beavercountypa.gov.
- Municipal Quarterly Training
- Emergency Management Handbook for Elected Officials
- FEMA Independent Study Website
- Keystone Emergency Management Agency (KEMA)
- Municipal Emergency Management Certification Program
- Basic
- Municipal Emergency Management Certification Program
- Advanced
- Municipal Emergency Management Certification Program
- Professional
- Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA)
- PA Train
- PEMA Municipal EOP Planning Templates
- PEMA National Incident Management System
Emergency Services
- Access and Functional Needs Card
- Agriculture and Food Information
- Beaver County Emergency Alerts (Smart 911)
- Beaver County LEPC (Local Emergency Planning Committe
- Beaver Valley Power Station Emergency Information
- Beaver Valley Power Station Siren Update 2021
- CART (County Animal Response Team)
- EMA (Emergency Management)
- Emergency Services Newsletters
- Fire Line Officers Contact List
- Fire Response Plan
- Fire Response Plan Resource List
- Hazardous Materials Response
- Hazard Mitigation
- Municipal Emergency Management Coordinators
- Police, Fire, and EMS CAD
- Responder Texting Agreement
- Tier II Reporting
- VOAD (Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster)